I hope you enjoy reading and learning about the Tasmanian Devil. Keep reading my entries to find out all the things I have learned!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Today I found out that the Tasmanian Devil is like a small wolf however it has a white streak on its chest and just above its tail.  When the Europeans explorers came to Australia they heard loud screeches, saw the black colouring of the animal and their ferocious behavior when eating or mating and decided to call it a "devil".  These days it is known as the Tassie Devil as it is only found on the island of Tasmania.   

The Tassie Devil is the largest surviving carnivorous marsupial (a marsupial is mammal with a pouch). It has a broad head, short but thick tail and their body size varies depending on what they are eating and their habitat.  If the Tasmanian devil's tail is fat, it means it is healthy and eating the right sort of food.  When food is scarce, it is able to use the stored fat in its tail to survive - kinda like a camel who uses its hump/s for extra energy.

I also found out that adult males are larger than adult female Tasmanian Devils.  They are about the same size as a dog with a strong muscular body .  They can grow up to 76 centimeters long (30 inches) and can weigh 12 kilograms (26 pounds).

Researchers say that the Tassie devil's huge head and neck means it can bite so hard that it can crunch through bones and even metal traps!!!  I don't think I'd like to come face to face with a Tassie Devil . . . unless it is in a zoo!

What a gorgeous little devil . . . !



  1. Nice blog Tianna! Well done!

  2. Thanks for answering my question! I agree that they are little Devils. Love Amisadai xx
