I hope you enjoy reading and learning about the Tasmanian Devil. Keep reading my entries to find out all the things I have learned!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

G'day Mate!

G'day!  My name is Tianna Galvin.  I'm 11 years old and this is my first blog!  I'm doing this blog because we are having an exhibition at school.  We were asked to pick an endangered animal to research and so, being an Aussie, I picked the Tassie Devil.   It's small, cute (when it's not attacking or eating other animals), not so cuddly and fun!! 

I hope you enjoy reading and learning about the Tasmanian Devil.  You may be like my friend who thought the Tasmanian Devil was a made up cartoon character on Loony Tunes or you may know a little more like I did - only knowing basic things about them.  Then I looked on the internet and wow!!  There is so much more information- I could fill 100's of pages (not really, forget about the "100's of pages" thing)!  Keep reading my entries to find out all the things I have learned!


  1. Good blog! I have just read it. I hope you write more! Why is it called the Tazmanian Devil? Love Amisadai xxxx

  2. Hi Tianna. This is a great first post. Hooray for you.
    We have just come home from two weeks in Tasmania. We got to go to an evening where we watched them being fed. And we even got to pat one! They are great animals. I can't wait to read your next post.
    Love Meredith x

  3. Thanks for your support!
